Ube Biko

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ube Biko Ingredients:
1 1/2 cups ube, boiled & mashed
3/4 cup condensed milk
1/2 cup NESTLE Fresh Milk
1/4 k malagkit rice, cooked
crushed panutsa and grated cheese for topping

Ube Biko Cooking Instructions:
1. Combine ube, condensada, and NESTLE Fresh Milk in a thick saucepan.
2. Cook stirring constantly until slightly thick.
3. Add in malagkit and cook until thick.
4. Spread onto an 8″ banana leaf-lined bilao.
5. Top with crushed panutsa and grated cheddar cheese for topping, if desired.
6. Slice and serve with hot tea, coffee, or chocolate.

This does not need any more garnishings, you may add the traditional topping for biko - the latik*.

*To make latik: Boil a can or two of coconut milk. Lower heat and simmer until the coconut renders fat and sediment sticks to the bottom of the pan. Once the oil renders and separates from the sediment you may stir it from time to time to keep it from burning. When the sediment becomes dark brown, remove from heat, drain the oil and scrape off the sediment. This sediment is now your "latik". Put about 1/4 - 1/2 tsp mound of the latik on top of each of the biko squares.


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